Thursday 19 December 2013

Sound Panning

 Sound Panning (3 clip evaluation)  (Matrix Bullet Dodge)

In my opinion this is the best possible example of Sound Panning there is. In 1999 when the matrix was made there was little or no Bullet time or extreme Slow Motion. This scene shows Neo Dodging bullets. As the bullets pass over his shoulders with the unique sound it presents a perfect opportunity to showcase this worlds first special effect with the addition of a right to left pan giving the illusion that the bullet is passing from right to left.    (Lord of the rings (shelob Scene ))

There are many instances of sound panning opitunitys in this video the best of which is the point when the Shelob brushes the light of
Earendil (the glass thing) to its left. This allows for a more smooth sound pan and a soft roll from the centre to the right giving the audience a greater immersion within the scene.  Another good instance in which sound panning can be used is at the part when same drops his Sword and it lands to the right there could be an abbrupt noise to the right as he does this.     (fearless fight scene)

This scene from Fearless is one of my favroute movie fight scenes and is one of the best choreographed. Jet Li and his opponent tear up the building they are in during the fight and theres bits of wood and general debris flying everywhere which gives the perfect opportunity for sound panning. The main action in the scene is the fight which has not sound panning present but the background noises are herd everywhere and all around at different volumes and areas which makes the audience feel like there in the room and overall making a better film.

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